Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24, 2013

Today I

Took a Long Nap

This may seem counterintuitive to the very purpose of this blog, but hear me out

I was tired.

Mother-of-a-six-month-old-tired. Post-op-still-can’t-go-to-the-gym-to-work-up-my-energy-and-stamina-tired. The-house-is-such-a-mess-it-is-exhausting-to-look-at-tired. You feeling me?
I wouldn’t consider this the activity du jour except that I had to W’ORK for this nap. Here’s an overview of the day:

6:00 Got up and got myself dressed while Luke fed Max
7:30 (AM!!!) Max’s PT appointment and trip to pharmacy
8:30 - 9:30 Play time. Listened to baby happily screeching nonstop for an hour
9:30 Breakfast for Max and Mom
10:00 – 11:00 Another hour of screeching. (Did I mention that this is at the top of his lungs?)
11:00 – 11:30 Walked through the park to meet friends for lunch
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch with friends which included first public screeching occurrence. (And so it begins)
12:45 Bottle. Mom thinks, “This is it! Nap time! Now I can get some stuff done.”
1:00 Max finishes bottle and passes out. Is sniffed, passes inspection, then is ever so gently placed in crib.
1:04 WHAAAAAAA! WHAAAAAA!!! “Really Max?! Did you really just poop in the last four minutes so that you wouldn’t have to take a nap?” Diaper change.
1:05 – 1:30 A lot of backrubbing and “shhhing.”
1:30  Out of crib and onto bed with Mom. Eyes closed and out in five minutes. Mom shortly follows.
2:30 Shuffling. “No! No! Please don’t let this end yet.” Thankfully, back to sleep.
3:30 Wake up refreshed.

After that, it was a mad rush to check email (and *ahem* Pinterest), speed clean, feed Max dinner, and start dinner for the adults.

Tomorrow, I promise to be more traditionally productive.


  1. I consider any day that your child is fed, clothed, diapered and fed a productive day. I say well done, friend.
