Friday, May 31, 2013

May 26, 2013

Today I

Had a Picnic in the Park

Well, it started out as a picnic, but ended up with us hanging out with friends at the park before walking to a local Czech Italian restaurant for some amazing pizza.

The company and weather were great and so were the leftovers.
Good day all around.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 25, 2013

Today I

Took a Small Road Trip

A friend of mine had her second baby last month, and we finally made it up the hill to Truckee (close to Lake Tahoe) to meet the new guy. As I used to babysit his sister and know how wonderful she is, I’m sure he’ll be perfect as well.

Since my friend gave me most of her baby stuff before Max was born, I want to return the favor as much as possible. Today she got some clothes, a play mat, and a swing. I’m gonna miss that swing. Max could sleep or just sit quietly for two or three hours at a time. Ahhh the good ole days.

It was a beautiful day, and both the drive and the visit were great (and really overdue). We’re ready to go back.

May 24, 2013

Today I

Started C25K

I hate jogging. I should start by saying that.

C25K (Couch to 5K) is a free app that you can download which trains you for a 5K race. It is pretty amusing to me that it takes nine weeks to get through the program. Who can’t walk three miles if necessary? Regardless, they must know me personally and know that I cannot jog continuously that far. (Because I hate jogging.)

Anyway, despite that I hate jogging (have I mentioned I hate jogging?), I do enjoy doing races. Last year, my sister and I, as well as my then-unborn fetus did a Color Run and had a blast. I’d like to do it again this year so that it will be mine and Max’s second annual race. And of course, we’ve got the Superhero 5K coming up on Father’s Day. Since my husband is a runner, I figure that I should probably try to keep up

I’ll keep you posted on my results.

May 23, 2013

Today I

Shopped for a Party

I have a tough time shopping for most things. I like to touch and feel items before I buy them, but I always think that I can find a better deal on the internet. is a typical go-to website for me.

While researching different party products online, I came across those cute little pint-sized paper ice cream containers. I checked out several websites, and the average price tended to be right around $1.00 a piece (container and lid). For a party of 25-30 people, that seems a bit pricey for a one-time dish that only holds one part of a meal.

But alas whilst driving to an entirely different destination, I happened to pass a Smart & Final. I’ve only been there once when I first moved to California about seven years ago. I remembered that they had all sorts of paper plates, plastic cups, etc. so I thought I would check it out. And score!! A package of 25 containers and lids for less than $10. I may be going back for tablecloths

May 22, 2013

Today I

Tried a Pinterest Workout

I’ve pinned several workouts on Pinterest, and I figured that it was time to get off my butt and try one. This one specialized in being quiet so you don’t wake up babies or roommates. Lots of lunges, pushups, squats, crunches, planks, etc. No loud jumping jacks or jogging in place.

I worked straight through with only two or three quick breaks to divert the crawler’s attention from the DVR and the laptop cable. It took about 20-25 minutes and was sufficient at getting my heart rate up. I’d probably do it again, but I have many others to try first.

P.S. Happy Birthday to my sister!!!
Update: It hurts to sit today. Thanks, squats.