Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 13, 2013

Today I

Started Planning for Father’s Day

For the past 14 years, my husband (let’s call him Luke) and I have worked hard to go all out for each other’s birthdays. For his golden birthday (29 on the 29th), I had a new present waiting for him everyday starting on the 1st. For my 30th, he unwrapped and rewrapped 30 Hershey’s kisses with tiny little tags that said 30 things he loves about me. Seriously, it gets insane some years. Not always with big expenditures, but certainly with creativity. And now we have two new holidays to go nuts. Huzzah.

A few weeks ago I signed us up for a Father’s Day Superheroes 5k. Yep, even the baby. I’m incredibly excited to start making costumes although I’m not sure quite yet what I’m going to do.

I’ve decided to play off the superheroes theme and have a whole Father’s Day Weekend. The main reason for this being that hubs loves a good breakfast (one which we won’t be having on race day). My two other ideas so far: a banner in Superman-style letters and a classified ad in the Sunday paper. Something like, “Happy Father’s Day to my dad and superhero! Love, Max.”

That’s all I’ve got right now. Any other suggestions?

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