Today I…
Another Small Road Trip
This time to see a pediatric neurosurgeon. Doesn’t
that sound fun?
Max had a follow-up EEG to test the nerves in his
arm. Last time he cried when the doctor put the alcohol swab on his arm, but
the needles didn’t bother him at all. This time, he was okay with the alcohol
and with the needles (at first), but then decided he had had enough halfway
through the test. I think the noise from the machines got to him. He used to
sleep through the sound of the vacuum, but now it seems to terrify him too.
Poor little guy.
His results were good. He has had more nerve recovery
since last time, and the important nerves are connected. He will have full use of his arm, but may not have
full range of motion. Our next step is to see an orthopedic surgeon to make
sure bones and joints are developing correctly. But that won’t be for several
more months.
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