Saturday, May 31, 2014

Let's Catch Up

I’m a terrible blogger. That’s probably because I don’t really consider myself a blogger – not in the give-it-all-you’ve-got-until-you-get-sponsors way. I’m horrible with routine so sitting down to write every night is not up my alley. However, from my blog, I’ve pinned two invitations that are constantly getting repinned on Pinterest. Out of the blue, I received a comment, and it rejuvenated me. Sometimes I have good ideas, and I do like to share them. So today I vow to get back on the blogging wagon.

Currently, I’m working three days a week while staying home with my son on my “off” days. “Off days.” Ha. Anyway, in addition to work, I just finished another graduate class (only two left!) and am planning two events – a birthday party for an 8-year-old boy and a Bar Mitzvah. And I’m loving it. I decided to make the leap to starting my own event planning business. It makes sense – I’ve been doing it since I was 17. I think they are still finding glitter at my old high school.
I’ll blog about my process along the way as well as post some photos and tutorials after the events later this month. See you soon.